spoilers for monster roadtrips endings, including mvp ones!
in monster roadtrip's trailer, oz actually narrates through most of it! its pretty cute :) i couldn't get used to the voice change at first (it was actually changed after prom iirc) but this video made me ease into it alot more. you can pause after 1:22
this was my first time playing roadtrip! was thoroughly enjoying myself throughout the entire playthrough.. i was surprised how well everything fell into place. i got oz as my first hitchhiker and went to knife land with him.. and yes when oz kissed me i DID go insane okay? ok
(also he's on the right, the oz on the left is me... i always play as him and i wasn't expecting to meet him so soon! im not a selfcest guy i promise)
im trying to get the ones where i have things to say out of the way... did you know i love this oz expression? i love it so much. he looks so cute i want to give him a kiss
oh also these ones too!! the way he sits <3 i love his smug sprite too since hes not usually like that.. i cant zoom into them too much but the phobias faces r so silly
ok this is the last time i'll talk in here! there are more images below. before i go though, look at how cute this is... they're so!! the little guy..
ok heres my favourite image of him to end things off :)